work plan

WP4. Project coordination and dissemination

The goal of this transversal WP is to oversee the internal communication flow throughout the duration of the project to ensure that the objectives are met via the intermediate and final results of each task. This WP will also promote the correct dissemination of the project via publications and other means, thereby achieving objective OB6.

Task 4.1 Project management

The PIs will be responsible for the management and on-going monitoring and assessment of work progress and its mid-term and final stage evaluation, ensuring quality and the meeting of deadline and budget requirements. If necessary, the initial targets will be adjusted so as not to decrease the research quality of the project. Meetings between project personnel will be held as required, though at least once every two weeks.

Task 4.2 Project dissemination

The PIs and team members will ensure that enough project time is dedicated to the dissemination of project results. A project dedicated website will be created that will eventually collect all data sets, corpora, tools and publications generated. Publications in the most relevant and prestigious NLP conferences and high-impact journals will be targeted as the main instrument for communicating relevant results about the project. Yearly thematic internal seminars will be organised within the GPLSI research group to create a strong link between the research conducted and the research topics addressed by the group. 

More detail of the dissemination plan can be found in Section 4.1.